Thursday, July 08, 2010

Nestabilities Storage

Wow, 2 posts in 2 days, I'm on a roll, lol! This is a project that has been 'brewing' for about 6 months now. I bought magnetic sheets from Walmart, 2 came in a package and they measure 8.5" x 11". I was planning on cutting them into strips to store my Nesties a CD case. I had seen them stored like this on someone's blog (their name is long forgotten now).
Well, I didn't get around to it and ended up storing them in their packaging, in a container.

It actually worked quite well. What I didn't like was that as I added more to my collection, I had more to flip through. And if I wasn't sure what shape I wanted to use, I had 2 or 3 packages sitting on my desk each with a missing piece that I was trying out. (I have a very small work space which was made smaller with schtuff sitting on it.)
Then someone posted a magnetic board of sorts, on the CTMH Bulletin Boards and this got my wheels turning. I've been tossing it around for a couple of months now. I wasn't sure how big of an area I wanted, how to cover the magnet, did I want to use a strip of magnet, or a sheet, and what was I going to adhere the magnet to?
Finally the idea hit the other day, I could use a picture frame. Then the question was, how big did I want it?
I went with a long narrow type, and without the bulky wood. I found them at the thrift store for $0.50 each. See them in all their faded ugliness:)
Here's one covered. What I did was cut the magnetic sheet (which has adhesive on one side) to within 1/2" from the frame. This was just so that if I didn't lay the magnet down straight, I could still slide the edge of the frame onto the glass. I attached the magnet directly to the glass.
I didn't add any adhesive to the paper, it's held in place by the frame edging. That's so that if I get tired of looking at green, I can switch it out.
Here's many of my Nesties in place. I didn't have enough magnet to cover the second picture frame, so I'm gonna have to wait until we go to the big city again. (No Walmart here in this little town)......Honeeeeeyyyyyy, we're goin' to Winnipeg!
I decided to label them on the back, just in case I forget what I'm using. I see I have to remove the gumminess from the tape that held it in the packaging.
Now it's within reach, easy to find, and remove the Nestie I want!!! I just have to decide how I want to hang it, lol!

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! Cover the magnet with a nice PP is a great trick to make it look fancier!


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