Monday, April 25, 2011

Large Clothespin Photo Holders

Welcome Here!!! Hope you all had a great Easter weekend! (I did not, lol, I was sick, sick, sick...but it was great to be able to stay in bed for an extra day:))

I have the photo holders I was making at the Creative Gathering to share with you. Sorry, the pictures aren't the greatest, but I thought since I took them to show a friend of mine...Hi Wendy:)!!!...I figured why take pictures again? you'll still get the idea.

Clothespin Size: 4.5" x 1.25"

I made a front and back, so if someone puts it on their desk at work, the back side is just as pretty to look at. I found the clothespins (already painted!!) at Michaels...for $1.50!!!! Can't beat that!!!

Don't forget to enter your name for some Blog Candy I'm giving away!!


Hope you have a great, sunshine-y week:)



  1. Deneen
    I have that big clothepin to do one day something, lol!.. but continue waiting for me he he!
    Thanks for a wonderful ideas look fabulous!
    Also I have butterflies likes yours.
    Thanks for sharing this project.

  2. Gorgeous, I've never tried make anything like this but love how you finished them off. :)

  3. oh WOW -- those are PRETTY!!! I've never 'ventured' out to make things like that......but you are tempting me.....


  4. So cute !
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Myrna

  5. These are so pretty, I hope you are feeling better:)

  6. Sweet! Just stopping by to check out your blog and I had to stop and feed the fish. So fun!


I love hearing from you, thanks so much for the kind comments!